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barcelona centre de disseny — branding

Barcelona Design Week 2020

Design, the engine of an essential change.
  • Barcelona Design Week 2020

    Design, the engine of an essential change.

  • <span><span>Paola Antonelli conference poster design. Paola&rsquo;s image with a red dithering effect, along with a contemporary custom designed display typeface. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio.</span></span>
  • <span><span>Online workshop and conference poster design. flowers image with a green dithering effect, along with a contemporary custom designed display typeface. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio.</span></span>
  • <span><span>&ldquo;Gala final LCI Barcelona Fashion films 2020&rdquo; poster design. Conference image with a blue dithering effect, along with a contemporary custom designed display typeface. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio.</span></span>
  • <span><span>&ldquo;FAD Forum: el genre del disseny&rdquo; poster design. Conference image with a pink dithering effect, along with a contemporary custom designed display typeface. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio.</span></span>
  • <span><span>&ldquo;I, ara que? Acci&oacute; clim&agrave;tica&rdquo; blue dithering effect street banners design for BARCELONA DESIGN WEEK 2020. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio.</span></span>
    • <span><span>&nbsp;&ldquo;I, ara que? Innovaci&oacute; industrial&rdquo; bottle image orange dithering effect; street banners design along with custom display typeface of pixelated &ldquo;dithered&rdquo; letters. BARCELONA DESIGN WEEK 2020. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio.</span></span>
    • &nbsp;&ldquo;I, ara que? Igualtat de g&egrave;nere&rdquo; castellers image with red dithering effect; street banners design along with custom display typeface of pixelated &ldquo;dithered&rdquo; letters. BARCELONA DESIGN WEEK 2020. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio.
    • <span><span>&nbsp;&ldquo;I, ara que? emergent &egrave;tic&rdquo; flower image with pink dithering effect street banners design along with custom display typeface of pixelated &ldquo;dithered&rdquo; letters. BARCELONA DESIGN WEEK 2020. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio.</span></span>
    • <span><span>&ldquo;Think design act&rdquo; contemporary pixelated typography tote bag design, Barcelona design week &acute;20. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio.</span></span>
    • <span><span>Several &ldquo;Think design act&rdquo; tote bags are put over conference room chairs. Barcelona design week &acute;20. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio. </span></span>
    • <span><span>&ldquo;districts disseny, Think design act&rdquo; innovative poster, where the image area is cut so you can see the art installation behind it. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio.</span></span>
    • <span><span>Panel of speakers sitting in front of Barcelona Design Week &acute;20 screen designed by Esiete branding and communications studio/agency bcn. </span></span>
    • <span><span>A female speaker talking in front of Barcelona Design Week &acute;20 screen designed by Esiete branding and communications studio/agency bcn. </span></span>
    • <span><span>Two female speakers talking in front of an audience in the Barcelona Design Week &acute;20. </span></span>
    • <span><span>4 iphone mockups to present the animated stories for the BARCELONA DESIGN WEEK 2020 event, where the typography until the photographic treatment of the festival's identity is shown. Designed by the studio esiete of branding and communication studio.</span></span>

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