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graphic design

bienal española de arquitectura y urbanismo — branding

XV Bienal Espaņola de Arquitectura y Urbanismo

Inspired by technical drawing —the main discipline for architecture projects— and the geometric modular fonts of the Bauhaus, our proposal was born with the intention of giving the festival an identity without visually overshadowing the protagonists; the participating projects.
  • XV Bienal Espaņola de Arquitectura y Urbanismo

    Inspired by technical drawing —the main discipline for architecture projects— and the geometric modular fonts of the Bauhaus, our proposal was born with the intention of giving the festival an identity without visually overshadowing the protagonists; the participating projects.

  • <span><span>A linear quirky hand drawn illustration of a series of exhibition posters showing a building for the XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio/agency.</span></span>
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  • <span><span>Two series of exhibition posters in zigzag, each series form the illusion of 2 different architectural images. One building appears when looking from one side and another one when looking from the other side. Designed for the XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. Exhibition designed by Esiete branding and communication studio/agency Barcelona Spain. </span></span>
  • <span><span>Zigzag poster series, in a park, where we can see a rocky landscape on a beach, for the XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, Designed by the studio esiete of branding and communication.</span></span>
  • <span><span>Exhibition design for XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, where we can see a man interacting with a series of zigzag posters that show different buildings and natural landscapes. Designed by the branding and communication studio/agency Esiete</span></span>
  • <span><span>Two series of posters in zigzag, where we can see a building in the forest, for the XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, Designed by the studio esiete of branding and communication.</span></span>
  • <span><span>Zigzag poster with an image of a building for the XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, designed by the studio esiete of branding and communication.</span></span>
  • <span><span>Black and white hand drawn illustration of an exhibition hall, where there are different banners stands, and 3 people looking at them and taking notes about these posters for the XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, Designed and illustrated by the studio Esiete of branding and communication studio/agency Barcelona Spain.</span></span>
  • <span><span>A poster stand inside a museum hall. Contains logo design for XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio/agency Barcelona Spain.</span></span>
  • <span><span>A poster stand near a wide window. Contains outdoor nature image designed for XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio/agency Barcelona Spain.</span></span>
  • <span><span>Logo design of XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism placed in a big board behind a presenter who is speaking in front of an audience. Designed by Esiete branding and communication design studio/agency Barcelona Spain.</span></span>
  • <span><span>A man wearing a COVID 19 mask, holding a zigzag-shaped brochure in his hands in the event of the XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. Brochure designed by Esiete branding and communication design studio/agency Barcelona Spain.</span></span>
  • Presenter of the XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism awards. The suited man stands in front of a big black screen with white typography for the awards slide, which was designed by Esiete branding and communication studio/agency Barcelona Spain.
  • <span><span>A linear quirky hand drawn illustration of the XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism exhibition. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio/agency.</span></span>
  • <span><span>Man and woman standing in the middle of the exhibition of XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. It has many posters in the form of zigzag with an editorial content. Designed by the branding and communication studio Esiete Barcelona Spain</span></span>
  • <span><span>The exhibition of XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism with two series of posters one on each side in the form of zigzag. The editorial layout and exhibition was designed by the branding and communication studio Esiete.</span></span>
  • <span><span>Wide zigzag outdoor posters with editorial content for the exhibition of XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. Designed by the branding and communication studio Esiete Barcelona Spain</span></span>
  • <span><span>Wide zigzag outdoor posters with editorial content (including images and infographics) for the exhibition of XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. Designed by the branding and communication studio Esiete Barcelona Spain</span></span>
  • <span><span>Three girls standing next to a zigzag outdoor poster with editorial content (including logo, images, typography, infographics etc) for the exhibition of XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. Designed by the branding and communication studio Esiete Barcelona Spain</span></span>
  • <span><span>A man holding an informative brochure that contains BEAU logo design and hand drawn illustrations of the exhibition of the XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. Designed by the branding and communication studio Esiete Barcelona Spain</span></span>
  • <span><span>aerial image of the outdoor exhibition of the XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism where people are seen interacting with two series of posters in the form of zigzag. Designed by the branding and communication studio Esiete Barcelona Spain</span></span>
  • BEAU logo over a black tote bag carried by a girl. Designed by the branding and communication studio Esiete Barcelona Spain
  • Comisarios Bienal:
    Oscar Miguel Ares
    Anna Bach
    Eugeni Bach

    Secretaría Permanente:

    Leyre Salgado Almazán. CSCAE
    Gloria Gómez Muñoz. Doctora Arquitecta

    Coordinación y diseño expositivo:
    Javier Rodríguez Ulibarri. Arquitecto. Project Manager
    Sergio Alonso. Arquitecto
    Ariadna Gutiérrez. Arquitecta
    Javier Pereda. Diseño Gráfico
    Ramón Ponsati. Diseño gráfico

    Fotografía y video:
    Jordi Bernadó. Fotógrafo

    Identidad Gráfica XV BEAU:

    Programación sedes virtuales:

    Acerca Comunicación
    Javier Peña

    Montaje expositivo:

    Reproducciones fotográficas exposición:
    Eugeni Bach

    Anna Bach

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