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graphic design

tapa alimentos de españa — branding

Tapa Alimentos de Espaņa

Some of the best kitchens in our country compete to find the best Tapa with D.O. First edition of the contest despite thick and thin (yes, the damn pandemic). In search of the best tapas in Spain!

  • Tapa Alimentos de Espaņa

    Some of the best kitchens in our country compete to find the best Tapa with D.O. First edition of the contest despite thick and thin (yes, the damn pandemic). In search of the best tapas in Spain!

  • The new brand adopts the toothpick, a central element of all the products designed for Gormeet club, shaping a piece that will change over the years and how the canons mark it, generating a system that is easy to apply and recognize.
  • <span><span>Black and white logo of &ldquo;Tapa alimentos de Espa&ntilde;a&rdquo;. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio/agency Barcelona.</span></span>
  • <span><span>Art direction of &ldquo;Tapa alimentos de Espa&ntilde;a&rdquo;. Image of a girl&rsquo;s hands holding a spoon and a fork eating meat tapas from a plate put above a brown sheep statue. </span></span>
  • <span><span>&ldquo;VACA ROSSA GALLEGA&rdquo; and a red pincho graphic illustration over a yellow background. For the TAPA FOODS EVENT IN SPAIN. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio/agency Barcelona.</span></span>
  • <span><span>Another image direction of the TAPA FOODS EVENT IN SPAIN. Three contemporary tapas each put over folded wires as holders. </span></span>
  • <span><span>&ldquo;CAL&Ccedil;OTS DE VALLS&rdquo; and a red pincho graphic illustration over a yellow background. For the TAPA FOODS EVENT IN SPAIN. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio/agency Barcelona.</span></span>
  • <span><span>Another image direction of the TAPA FOODS EVENT IN SPAIN. A close up of a contemporary tapa. </span></span>
  • <span><span>&ldquo;CROSTA DEL DELTA&rdquo; and a red pincho graphic illustration over a yellow background. For the TAPA FOODS EVENT IN SPAIN. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio/agency Barcelona.</span></span>
  • <span><span>Another image from the art direction of the TAPA FOODS EVENT IN SPAIN. A close up of a contemporary tapa put in a bowl.</span></span>
  • <span><span>Demonstration of the graphic being applied with the name of the meat &ldquo;TXIPIR&Oacute;N BEGIHAUNDI&rdquo; for the TAPA FOODS EVENT IN SPAIN. Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio/agency Barcelona</span></span>
  • <span><span>Photography to show the image direction of the TAPA FOODS EVENT IN SPAIN, designed by the studio esiete of branding and communication.</span></span>
  • <span><span>Eight icon designs to be used for communication in different cities where the TAPA FOODS EVENT IN SPAIN is held. Each icon has city letters (Nac, Bcn, Mad, Ali, Bal, Zgz, Cad, Val) and a red pincho crossing the letters. Designed Esiete branding and communication studio.</span></span>
  • <span><span>Video navigating through the Instagram of the TAPA FOODS Account of Spain, to show the functioning of communication and the graphic image designed by the studio esiete of branding and communication.</span></span>
  • <span><span>Yellow apron with the applied branding of TAPA FOODS OF SPAIN, Designed by Esiete branding and communication studio. </span></span>

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